Zwei Masterarbeiten aus meinem Studiengang Medienautor hatte ich Euch ja bereits vorgestellt (Meine: Linear Interactive Storytelling, Dennis: Erzählstrukturen im Coming-of-Age-Film). Eine fehlt noch, nämlich Eriks: Story and Game Combined – Using Machinima for Interactive Experiences.
Erik hat ebenso wie ich auf Englisch geschrieben. Hier seine Zusammenfassung:
This thesis is going to introduce machinima and its history and techniques. Due to the possibilities of real time 3D, I will propose to use the interactive potential of machinima. Furthermore, the concepts of the terms story and game, as well as their differences, will be discussed. This will be concluded with the suggestion of a new way of combining stories with game-elements, in order to make use of the diversity in the field of combining stories and games.
Based on this theoretical point of view, I will present three ideas for the use of the interactive potential of machinima: an interactive installation, digital theatre and live cinema. I will exemplarily develop the idea of an interactive installation to a more concrete description, a concept. This concept will use my idea of combining a story with game-like elements.
Die komplette Arbeit gibt es auf Eriks Webseite als PDF.
» Story and Game Combined – Using Machinima for Interactive Experiences